How can you improve collaboration within your team or organisation?

The latest buzzword is collaboration and every business is trying to come up with new and exciting ways to get their company and the teams within to collaborate and work together no matter where they are based!

Being able to effectively share documents, ideas and resources helps to improve progress and allows timelines to be met!

Focusing on openness, creativity and collaboration allows your employees to stay connected and up to date.

  1. Lead from the front

Encourage senior members of the team to embrace collaborative techniques and encourage other members of the team to follow suit! Encourage people to ask questions and allow your team to open up!


  1. Encourage personal accountability

Encourage people to take accountability for certain tasks on a collaborative project. This will allow them to bear responsibility for results (whether they are good or bad). Managers must also show personal responsibility


  1. Embrace technology

Developments in technology (like the Clevertouch Pro) have made it easier for teams to work together, no matter where they are based.

Effective tools for collaboration come in many forms, from file sharing, screen sharing, video conferencing and enterprise chat tools!

Each of these tools allow your team to work together and easily access files when needed.


  1. Develop a common language across departments

Jargons and department-specific language can alienate those from a different team. They also make open communication between these different departments challenging.

Confusion and misunderstanding will creep in and a back and forth will begin that can cause errors in a project.

To improve cross-functional communication, agree a common language that each side understands (no acronyms for example).

In a very technical space, some language is unavoidable but consider a meeting to learn the basics for everyone that can be used daily to communicate.


  1. Facilitate consistent communications

A fast-paced work environments means that everyone in a project needs to have the most up-to-date information at all times.

To encourage information sharing consider investing in some equipment which makes this easy.

The Clevertouch Pro allows you to easily share files without the need for back and forth emails!


Do you have any collaboration tips? Let us know!

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