How the Vangis CleverLive Digital Signage solves 7 of Your Meeting Pain Points

Moving images shown on digital signage attract 400% more views than static displays. Let’s talk about how to make your message more captivating and dynamic.

Why such a huge increase of 400%? Well, digital signage is instantly editable so businesses can keep them up to date a more relevant easily. Combine that with the ability to work with an array of multimedia formats and your message appeals to a wider audience. Your communication is also more accessible while customers or staff are moving around than device-based communication such as emails and texts.

According to research, there are 7 key pain points of disseminating information within the workspace:

  1. Barriers to Communication

Clear imagery helps to overcome language, physical and cognitive barriers. Uses of icons, diagrams and relevant photography mean information can start to become globally recognised.

Eye-catching effects such as animation, flashing lights and sounds further add to the power of your message, especially when they’re to evacuate or direct people to safety

2. Culture and Brand Development

You can showcase almost anything to help strengthen your culture and branding using digital signage; example projects, customer reviews, new product/service launches, detailed product information, company videos and more appeal to both employees and visitors.

Location is all important as well. Your digital signage screens can be deployed in receptions, waiting rooms, trade show booths and selected areas across the organisation in high-traffic areas to improve view rates.

3. Easy Distribution of Information

One of the key features of the Vangis ClevertouchLive digital signage is the ability to manage and update communications across many departments from a central hub. The cloud solution means you can deploy and distribute specific relevant information to individual screens as needed.

4. Reaching everyone instantly

Our screens vary in size from a tablet through to video walls, so every space in the workplace can suit a screen. Reaching everyone on site, whether they are employees or visitors, no matter where they are can be difficult, especially during emergencies.

When activating a digital signage message, the distribution of screens ensures no one misses crucial (sometimes life-saving) messages because they could not hear, could not access notifications or were in spaces without connectivity. The Vangis ClevertouchLive is included on every Clevertouch device including reception screens, way-finders, room booking tablets and collaboration panels.

5. Enhance Expectations

Improving your visitors’ experiences with clear messaging on digital signage creates a positive experience. Reduce confusion for both visitors and employees when navigating your workspace by quickly and easily updating wayfinding kiosks, interactive information screens and directional panels. Display inviting, dynamic and personalised welcome messages for important guests and allow employees and visitors to interact with information through their own personal devices.

6. Actioning Emergency Plans

Easy-to-understand plans can be activated in an instant during an emergency or crisis at the touch of a virtual button. Immediately display instructions that are clear, actionable and relevant to employees and visitors in each area is a key feature of ClevertouchLive.

7. Enhancing Motivation

Keep motivation among employees high with real-time Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and messages to encourage a focus on reaching business goals. Ensure a positive employee culture with personal messages for celebratory events such as birthdays, awards and work anniversaries.

Contact Vangis now for a no-obligation demonstration – 0845 869 4421.

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